“We do it the Scandinavian way, with real attention to detail”
Biarritz Living works with a conceptual Scandinavian real estate service based on providing high quality catalogues, home staging and a personal and professional service.
For us, the following five points are essential in achieving successful sales strategies and fulfilling clients’ expectations:
– Home stage your home before putting it on sale in order to make it as attractive as possible. We will offer you tips on how to prepare your apartment or house in the best way and, with a small budget, add extra value to ensure you secure the best possible market price.
– Quality photos: We work with a selection of talented professional photographers to portray your home in its best light.
– Printed catalogue (only for exclusive deals): We design and print a high quality catalogue featuring professional photos and all important information for any potential buyers.
– “Make the visits an event”: When we have enough demand, we block an entire morning, afternoon or weekend to organise group visits to create a more dynamic selling environment.
– Professional and personal approach: We are set on delivering both a professional and personal service in the sale of your home.

Sophia Paulin – Founder